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Liberis’ Strategic Expansion: A Game Changer in SME Financing


In a groundbreaking move, Liberis, a pioneering embedded finance solutions provider, has recently secured a substantial $112 million in debt financing. This strategic financial injection marks a significant milestone for the UK-based fintech firm, catalyzing its ambitious expansion plans across North America and Europe.

Liberis’ Mission and Impact

Empowering Small Businesses: Liberis, since its inception, has been at the forefront of addressing the critical funding gap faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) worldwide. With a staggering $5.2 trillion annual financing shortfall for SMEs, Liberis’ innovative approach comes as a breath of fresh air in an otherwise constrained financial ecosystem​​​​.

Innovative Financing Solutions: By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning-powered analytics, Liberis has revolutionized how financial solutions are tailored for SMEs. Their embedded finance platform has successfully executed over $1.5 billion in funding across 60,000 transactions, demonstrating a robust track record of empowering businesses with flexible and accessible financial options​​​​.

Liberis, an embedded finance company logo

Expansion Goals: North America and Europe

New Markets, New Opportunities: The new funding will enable Liberis to extend its reach to new markets, notably Canada, Poland, and Germany. This expansion is not just geographical but also encompasses a broader spectrum of SMEs, offering them bespoke finance options that align with their unique growth trajectories​​​​.

Enhanced Support for SMEs: The strategic plan emphasizes serving both existing and new partners in these territories, thereby addressing the diverse needs of SMEs. This approach is expected to bolster SMEs’ resilience and growth in a challenging economic landscape​​​​.

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Backing by HSBC Innovation Banking and BCI Capital

A Partnership for Growth: The role of HSBC Innovation Banking and BCI Capital in this endeavor is pivotal. Their support not only provides the necessary capital but also brings in expertise and a network crucial for Liberis’ global aspirations​​​​.

The Future Trajectory

A Sustainable Vision: Liberis’ approach is a testament to their commitment to sustainable and responsible financing. Their innovative use of technology to offer personalized solutions positions them as a key player in transforming the SME financing landscape.

Empowering the Global Economy: As SMEs are often regarded as the backbone of the global economy, Liberis’ expansion and its focus on empowering these businesses hold significant implications for economic growth and innovation worldwide.


Liberis’ recent financial boost is more than just a monetary gain; it’s a strategic move towards redefining SME financing on a global scale. By bridging the enormous funding gap and pioneering personalized finance solutions, Liberis is not only fueling its own growth but also empowering the very core of the global economy – the small and medium enterprises.

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